Thursday, January 15, 2009

Prepare for a Power Outage - wikiHow

Prepare for a Power Outage - wikiHow

And finally, here's one for "next time"...

How to Prepare for a Power Outage

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

If you need to know how to prepare for a power outage, then this is the article for you! Look to see what to do, the tips on preparation, and more.


  1. Gather all the things that may provide light, such as a flashlight, candles, Glow in the dark objects,etc.
  2. If there is a big chance of a power outage, you may want to tape the Glow in the dark objects along the wall.
  3. Be sure to have the things you'll need nearby.
  4. If the power outage occurs, turn on the flashlight or other light-up appliance that you have.
  5. Put your power company's phone number into your mobile phone's contact list or speed dial. Then, if the power outage is due to a fault in the power grid, you can call the power company and inform them of the problem so they can fix it.


  • If the outage may last for a long time, be sure to have some snacks close if you are taking shelter.
  • Making your self glow in the dark can be useful.


  • You may not want to light candles in a room with carpet as it may increase the chance of a house fire if the candle is knocked over.
  • IF you smell gas, hear gas, know of messed up gas lines, do NOT use candles.

  • If your water depends on a well it wont work with the power out. Fill your tub with water if an outage is likely. Then you can pour it into the back of the toilet for flushing.

Things You'll Need

  • Radio
    • Preferrably a "Self Powered Radio" - This does'nt use batteries. Some are also solar powered as well as being "hand cranked"

  • Flashlight
    • Preferrably a "Self Powered Flashlight" - Same as the radio mentioned.
      • Some models of both the Self Powered Flashlight AND the Self Powered Radios can now keep your cell phone charged.

  • Glow Sticks - SAFER than candles
  • Matches
  • Candles
  • Snacks
  • Keep a house key in a combination lockable key storage device OUTSIDE of your home. Electric garage doors do not work in a power outage.

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Prepare for a Power Outage. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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