Monday, October 13, 2008

Codes to use with Palm Treo Phones

Here is some handy Palm Treo information I found from several pages (mytreo, mobility today,etc.). Not sure who to give credit to, but I'm betting its one of the main two there...

Some of these codes work only on CDMA models, but most of them are for both versions of Treo. For SPRINT CDMA models you should enter "# # ..." before number the code, and for GSM models you have to enter "# *...", and for VERIZON CDMA, enter "# * # ...", where "..." is the number code. Enter the codes as if you are actually dialing the number from your Phone app.

Signal strength is given as "RSSI," which stands for "Received Signal Strength Indicator."

Please note: the function of many of these codes remains a mystery to enthusiasts. A lot of them were discovered through trial and error (yes, we have a lot of time on our hands) -- while the presence of some of these codes can be easily discovered this way, their purposes are often more difficult to understand. We have indicated some codes with which users should be particularly careful.

Very useful codes:

This the Phone Information Page. It tells you how many minutes the unit has on it, how much data has transpired, the warranty date, software versions, ESN, etc.

Displays the last error which caused a soft reset, and the program that was running, line number etc

Somewhat mysterious or less-than-incredibly-useful codes:

This spells ##debug and is the CDMA phone info screen containing a bunch of technical data on your current signal and tower connection.

Logon to vision data

Turns off the radio

Turns off passthrough

Toggle "software download"

Toggle "passthrough"

Signal strength for CDMA models only

Signal strength for Tmobile (Treo 600 only)

Toggles tethered mode

Voice privacy enabled

Voice privacy disabled

Please exercise caution when using the following codes:

Note: You may need to softreset your phone after this command
Trace enabled

Trace disabled

Note: You may need to softreset your phone after this command
Trace enabled

Trace disabled

Note: You may need to softreset your phone after this command
Trace enabled

Note: This command can delete all data from your Treo. If you do not have recent backup do not test this code!
PRI Checksum and allowing you to reset phone to factory default settings

Trace disabled

Monday, September 08, 2008


To date, my favorite shot of Joseph. Spruced up with text by a good friend...

From Joseph

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A job hunting we go....

Well, I have been looking for employment for a month now. No solid bites. A few good leads. I have found plenty of "side jobs" working on people's PC's or doing basic house handyman things. Thank God for friends! Working about 20 to 25 hours a week with these odds and ends is bringing in about 50% of what I was making working 60-70 hours a week. Comparatively, there is no stress either.

Well, I am off to the job hunt again. Pray I will find the job God wants me to have next. Everyone have a great Thursday!

Post to your blog without ever leaving Firefox

I found a new tool to make my blogging easier. If you use Firefox you gotta try this out. It is by far the easiest blog helper application I have used yet.

ScribeFire, an extension of Firefox ®, enables users to easily drag and drop formatted text from the Web into their blog(s), post entries, take notes, and optimize their ad inventory, directly through the Firefox browser.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Change... YUCK! Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart...


I have never really liked change; unless it meant the next better, faster, smaller, cooler tech gadget. Change usually means learning something new. I like learning new things. It can mean the beginning of a great new friendship, or a raise, or a new family member, or the ability to do new wonderful things. I like all of that. So, why do I not like change? It also means facing the uncertain. It means giving up my false sense of control and security. I have, what I consider to be, one of the best jobs I have ever had. I work at my church, a place I love full of people I love. Working there has always seemed to be a win win for me. I like going to church. I like helping other people. I like teaching people to do new things. That is exactly what I have been able to do for five years now. They even pay me! Like I said... win win.


My church has spent the last 18 months moving from a great location, that was getting too small; to an even greater building that has plenty of room to grow. God painted this beautiful picture, where we bought an abandoned building, a smaller church bought our previous location, and a church based private school bought theirs to expand the school campus. This was a win, win, win!


I am a salaried property manager. Before the move, I managed a custodial department of around 20 people, a maintenance department with 2 people, a grounds/snow/ice removal crew of 6 people, the security of the building and grounds of our 90,000 square foot building on 12 acres, as well as the upkeep of our van/bus equipment. Oh, yeah, and a partridge in a pear tree. During the transition I morphed into a gopher for the contractors, a transporter for people and stuff between buildings, a demo "expert" for remodel at the new 150,000 square foot building on 25 acres, an installer for dispensers of anything one might need in a public bathroom, and a professional meeting attender (with a specialty in last minute unplanned ones). My weekly hours changed from an average of 45 to 50, to an average of 80 to 90. I became accustomed to a "second paycheck" in the form of my monthly mileage reimbursement checks. I learned to eat "fast food" three times a day so I could save enough time to sleep six hours that night. As crazy as that all sounds, I actually enjoyed most of it.


Most of the dust has settled. People in all areas of ministry are finding their new norm and developing new patterns to their days and weeks at work. The realization that the move/remodel actually cost 20% more than originally planned is sinking in. The reality that we have expanded our congregation 20 to 25% is a sign that growth has only begun. The truth that our offerings, in spite of the growth are down from numbers compared to those before our move; and our monthly expenses are almost double now are hard to avoid. All this while our national economic nose-dive screams at us.


The church board is faced with making some very tough decisions. Where can we save money? What can be changed, delayed, or cut that will have minimal impact on our reaching people for Christ? Can jobs be cut? Can programs be cut? Can events be canceled? These are all questions they have to ask AND answer. I do not envy them. I DO pray for them every day.


I have, over the last few months, become more and more aware that some of these cuts could very well mean my job will completely change, or possibly even be eliminated.


I am old enough to know, my "job" is to take care of my family foremost. This means looking for a new job. Whether I find one or not, will ultimately be up to God. Whether I need one or not, will also be up to my Lord. As my friends and family are so painfully aware, my opinion in matters like these is plainly, "My job is to do my best, then (and only then) God will take care of all the rest!". So I am putting together a new resume. I am becoming a member of all those employment websites that I never thought I would need. I am calling in favors for job interviews, and soon I will even be "cold-calling". I am in a unique spot. I have 20+ years of retail management experience, with almost half of that being in HR. I have five years of property management experience. I have a personal ministry of building and repairing PC's for people that cannot afford to go buy a new one, or have a "professional" fix there current one; that has spanned a decade. I am a Mac nut that "evangelizes" the Apple OS over Windows at every opportunity (and have done so since 1988). Yes, I'm a Mac guy that fixes PC's. (That's where I got the name for this blog, another story for another time.)

That being said, if anyone out there know of any job leads in Fort Wayne, Indiana; whether in HR, Property Management (building, maintenance, etc.), or the ever elusive "Wow he can do a lot of stuff with computers, even though he has no certification. I would love to hire him and train him to be our tech/installer/IT guy!" position; please leave a comment here or email/call me!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Must see TV! Hancock

First, I love Will Smith. Second, I love superheroes. Third, I love the whole "Oops I screwed up, because I am human" themes for movies.... SO.... MUST SEE HANCOCK!

Friday, May 02, 2008

Joseph likes guitar

Here is Joey's video introduction to the world wide web! Yeah! YouTube!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Reduce Expenses - wikiHow

How to Reduce Expenses

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

"If by couetousnesse or negligence, one withdraw from them their ordinary foode, he shall be penny wise, and pound foolish."
E. Topsell: Four-footed Beasts (1607)
An important way to save money is to reduce expenses. There are a lot of ways you can stretch your dollars and help avoid that "too much month at the end of the money" feeling. Some of these steps will take a bit of planning and investigation but they will be well worth the effort. Others you will be able to implement immediately. Some will require a small up-front investment but have a substantial long-term payoff. Your ability to implement those will depend on available cash and your budget.
What you’ll need first, is a clear idea of where your money is going; then you can look at ways to cut fluff and lower the cost of your required living expense. Always keep in mind that it’s not just about cheaper; it’s about efficiency. Analyze your needs and do the math. Most importantly, however, is to understand that reducing expenses is a lifestyle change and a change in your thinking patterns. Never let yourself believe that pennies don't count.


  1. Determine where you spend your money. If you don’t know where your money is going, you are most likely spending too much. You can get a solid idea in as little as one month and as you continue, you’ll see patterns develop that you can address. Write down everything you buy down to the last dollar. Don’t stop at the obvious things like rent, utilities, gasoline and food – include the ancillary items like sodas and snacks as well as gum or tobacco. What about happy hour? Did you rent a movie? Use a Row-by-Column ledger, spreadsheet or other software to keep track every month.
  2. Immediately eliminate unnecessary routine purchases. While it’s likely this won’t be the largest savings area, it’s important and easy. Is the coffee shop on your way to work really necessary? How critical are the three sodas or snacks a day you buy from the office vending machine at $1.50 each? A cup of coffee that you made at home is only 25-35 cents, as is a soda you bought in a store as part of a 12 pack. Do you seriously have to rent all those movies (and pay those late fees) each month? Have you checked to see whether your library has movies, or calculated the cost of switching to Netflix? Those ten lottery tickets… the odds against you are astronomical. This is quick and most of it is habit. There will be some psychological pain at first but when you add up the dollars you’ll see a big difference instantly.
  3. Address your utilities.
    • Heating and cooling (gas or electric): When you leave the house, set your thermostat to an "away" setting (a note of caution here: don’t set it so far from comfortable that it takes an inordinate amount of time to return to comfort when you get home: 65°F or 18°C in the winter and 80°F or 27°C in the summer might be reasonable numbers to use). Consider investing in ceiling fans – you can get these for as little as US$20 and they dramatically reduce cost of heating and cooling by circulating the air more efficiently.
    • Electric: Lighting is expensive. When you leave a room, turn off the light. The idea that it takes more energy to turn on a light than to keep it on is completely false.[1] Energy efficient bulbs really work. This is an investment that will pay off over time but there is a significant savings to be gained (there is an energy calculator that will help). Turn off your computer when you’re not using it – (probably) the only reason you leave it on is convenience. Unplug the iron. If you’re not watching the TV, turn it off. Open the drapes during the day for light instead of burning electricity. Only use electricity when you absolutely need it.
    • Water: Save water, save money. Invest in a shower-reduction kit – they cost nearly nothing and will start saving you money immediately. They work by reducing the flow to the shower head and the change is barely noticeable. Learn to take quicker showers – an inexpensive egg timer is a good way to help. Repair leaky toilets and faucets – this is an enormous waste of water and easy to fix. Reduce your lawn watering to minimum needs. If you have a pool, keep it covered when it’s not in use to reduce evaporation – also, if it’s heated that will dramatically increase evaporation as well (only heat your pool to keep it from freezing, and invest in a thermal blanket).
    • Gas and Miscellaneous: Do laundry as often as necessary but as little as possible – for a lot of people this is a pleasant step. Reduce the temperature of your shower by a couple of degrees; the less work your water heater does the more money you’ll save. Use the microwave instead of the oven whenever possible – the cost just to preheat an oven is more than the cost to cook a meal in the microwave. Open the windows when it’s nice outside to reduce heating (and cooling) costs.
    • Cable and Telephone: Seriously, do you really, really need a thousand channels and every single premium channel available including the high definition packages? If you want to save money take a close look at your priorities. For your telephone, shop around based on your use. If you make a lot of long-distance calls to family and friends, perhaps one of the unlimited plans would save money. If all your calls are local you probably can get by with a bare-bones option. Consider that your cell phone may have free long distance; therefore, removing the necessity of having long distance on a land line.
    • Cell phone: "wat r u up 2" "nm gtg ttyl" Text messages cost money. "Oh no, I have unlimited text!" Oh? How much does that option cost you? Do you actually even need a cell phone? Does everyone in your family actually need a cell phone? Parents – lay down the law on cell phone usage – is your eleven-year-old sitting around the house texting… are you? Another thing to consider is if you really require a cell phone then do you really need a land line at home? Consider consolidating. If your cell phone use is occasional only, consider a pay-as-you-go plan.

  4. Reconsider Gasoline and Miscellaneous Auto: When gas was rationed during World War II, a popular slogan was "Is this trip really necessary?" Ask yourself that every time you get in your car. Make a list before you go to the store so you don’t have to make additional trips. Don’t go for a drive for pleasure – walk instead or choose other forms of entertainment (read, perhaps). Check the pressure in your tires. Convertibles get better mileage with the top up. A poorly running engine is a huge waste – even a spark plug change can make a big difference, as can clean oil. Also, the less you drive the less frequently you’ll change tires, oil, require maintenance, etc. That’s a savings-over-time, of course, but it will mount up. Another way to save gas (and money) is to change your driving habits. By simply driving more slowly, and/or less aggressively, you can save significant amounts of money (calculate for yourself at this web site [2]).
  5. Cut Down on Entertainment: It’s astounding how many people complain about money then describe the latest release of a movie along with the cost of theater popcorn. Also, professional sports event, a music concert or tickets to a play can run hundreds of dollars for a couple on a date. Seriously, can you really tell the difference (blindfolded) between a $30 bottle of wine and a $9 bottle of wine? When you do dine out, actually think about the prices on the menu first. Consider a meal share if the restaurant offers that option. Never, ever order delivery. Look for vacation bargains – consider taking the kids camping instead of one of the super expensive amusement parks.
  6. Focus on Food: The only real difference between a $1.99 can of corn and a $0.63 can of corn is $1.36 (sure there are exceptions; people on low-sodium diets will definitely have to pay more). The grocery store is a place you can save big.
    • Look for foods that are marked "WIC" for savings. Those have been approved for the Women, Infants and Children program by the USDA Department of Food and Nutrition Services… healthy, nutritious and inexpensive. That ring of cooked shrimp is on sale and sure looks tasty… how about a nice grilled chicken breast with green beans and rice? Make dining in an experience instead of just a convenience. It’s quite possible to spend as much on home food as you would by eating out if you are wasteful.
    • Consider taking your lunch to work instead of buying lunch each day. Even an inexpensive lunch out is several dollars a day – do the math.
    • Use coupons whenever possible. Make sure these are on items you would normally eat so you don't purchase things that will be wasted by sitting in your cupboards forever or spoil in your refrigerator. Also use buy store specials and use store customer cards when possible toward food purchases.
    • Look into joining a warehouse club. The price of the membership is usually made up in the first shopping. They carry name-brand products and will take coupons. Also, by not having to shop as often, you spend less money by not being in the store every week and risking impulse purchases. Warehouse club shopping must be done with discretion or you will not save money.
    • Avoid large packages fresh produce to avoid spoilage; frozen produce will extend the shelf life of all your fruit and vegetables.
    • Measure product use carefully (like soap powder); don't be wasteful with the products just because it comes in a large container.
    • Buy products you will actually use instead of substituting just because it's on your list and the only item available. Are you really going to enjoy that box of cereal that's not your regular brand, or is it going to sit on your shelf?

  7. Address your insurance costs: The fastest way for some people to reduce monthly expenses will be in the area of health, auto and life insurance. Companies that sell those are incredibly competitive. Get some bids from different companies. When you do this, bear in mind that lower initial premiums will not always be the most cost efficient!
    • Auto Insurance: Look at your deductible. Don’t jump to increase your deductible – analyze the entire plan based on your needs and expectations; do a risk analysis first. If you have an inexperienced driver in your house and you don’t have savings, having a high deductible might not be the best choice – also if your car is financed you may have minimum insurance requirements. However if you have a long history of good driving and you own your car, outright, you might consider a high deductible to save on premiums.
    • Health Insurance: Investigate alternatives. Shop around for plans that are consistent and cost efficient with your lifestyle. Consider your actual needs vs. what you have. A single man in perfect health in his mid-30’s might choose a plan with a higher copay or co-insurance and lower premiums, whereas a married couple wanting to start a family might do better with higher premiums but more extensive coverage. In other cases, prescription benefits might be the most important. The point is to look at what you must have .
    • Life Insurance: There is no question that this is important – for many people. The rule of thumb for someone with a family is three to five years' replacement income. However, if you’re a 20ish single consider carefully and determine if you’re over-insured. If you’re married in your mid-60’s have you looked at comparative plans from places like AARP? If you’re most interested in "burial policies" then, again, these companies are incredibly competitive. We all would like to leave our loved ones wealthy in the event of our demise, but not at the expense of your quality of life right now.
    • Home (and Renter’s) Insurance: This can be a large expense and many home owners have no idea how much they’re paying because it comes out of their house payments – out of sight, out of mind. Review your plan with your agent. Are your personal possessions really and truly worth the $250,000 you have on the policy? Also look for areas that are lacking. Is water damage covered; snow damage; hail damage? Think whether or not you’ll need those. Is anything important excluded? Is anything irrelevant included? Yes, Great-Aunt Martha’s rocking chair has sentimental value but do you really need a special rider to cover it?

  8. Consider pre-owned items: This is a great way to save significant amounts of money while recycling! If you absolutely must buy something, there are options other than a mall anchor store or a big-box superstore. There are large thrift stores (e.g. Goodwill) and smaller church-run stores that have some incredible bargains on everything from home knickknacks to appliances to clothing. It’s amazing how fast a 4-year old will outgrow shoes (when that happens, re-donate them so somebody else can benefit). Look for garage sales – your neighbors will definitely not think less of you because you bought the winter jacket they are trying to sell – hold your own garage sale and they just might want what you no longer need. There are online sites that often have bargains (like, and
  9. Actively manage your credit: A poor credit score costs 10s of thousands over the years in increased interest rates and insurance costs. You may even lose your job or lose out on a job application. Pull all three reports; challenge everything that appears incorrect. Pay all bills on time or early. Pay off revolving debt (credit cards) and put those cards away.


  • Recycle and reuse. The plastic bags for your groceries make good trash bags too. If you really want to become efficient, consider things like saving your cooking grease (baby boomers already know that) or reheat that half-full pot of coffee… if you want two cups of hot tea tonight, one bag is probably sufficient.
  • Insulate. Insulation for your attic, walls (even electrical outlets) will absolutely save you money over time. Much of this, you can do yourself.
  • Consider investing in reusable items. Rechargeable batteries are a good option if your battery consumption is high – the question you should ask yourself is: why is your battery consumption high and what can you do to reduce that?
  • Quit smoking. OK, this is obvious. Aside from the $150 a month, there are the enormous added costs to your health and life (and possibly auto and home) insurance and a very strong (almost guaranteed) potential for extraordinary health costs.
  • Limit alcohol. Alcohol is an added expense you may be able to eliminate altogether, or at least significantly reduce.
  • Stop gambling. If you gamble (unless you are consistently making money and you know that from tax returns, of course)… stop. Quit. Nix. Never. The odds against winning the Powerball lottery are around 150 million to 1 against you.
  • Stop using paper napkins and paper towels. Cloth towels are more absorbent and can be used over and over again. Cloth napkins can be made from an old table cloth. They also clean much better than paper.
  • Think about every purchase before you make it. If you have 10 of something (i.e. shades of eyeliner) do you really need another? If an item is superfluous, just say no.


  • Do not only consider the least expensive option – that is certainly not always the best option. Many, many times, an initial savings will cost you more later. Carefully consider life cycle cost in addition to the acquisition cost.
  • If you buy pre-owned, check carefully… this is especially true of cars. It’s worth the investment to have a mechanic check the car (unless you’re perfectly competent in that area – are you sure?).
  • Don’t go completely overboard. It’s great to be frugal; it’s not great to be a mean-spirited miser. If your child (or you) must have new shoes or new glasses then definitely look for bargains but keep your priorities straight.

Related wikiHows

Sources and Citations



Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Reduce Expenses. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

What is "Evangelical"?

“Evangelical” Christian is defined by George Barna as:

“Born-again Christians,” for the sake of clarification, are Christians who say they have made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ that is still important in their lives today and who believe they’re going to heaven when they die because they have confessed their sins and have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. “Evangelical Christians” are Christians who are born again plus seven other conditions. Those include:

1. saying their faith is very important in their life today;
2. believing they have a personal responsibility to share their religious beliefs about Christ with non-Christians;
3. believing that Satan exists;
4. believing that eternal salvation is possible only through grace, not works;
5. believing that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth;
6. asserting that the Bible is accurate in all that it teaches;
7. and describing God as the all-knowing, all-powerful, perfect deity who created the universe and still rules it today.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

You are the light to my soul!

I am not sure what this video's title is, but it is an incredibly moving video. Thanks to Troy for pointing me to it! Enjoy...

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Joseph John Spears

It is with an explosive amount of joy and gratitude, that I anounce the birth of my second son; Joseph John Spears. He was born today at 12:32PM at 9lbs. 5ozs. and 21" long. Yes, praise God!