Thursday, October 18, 2007

Testing.... Testing....

Hello all! Here is a short test post to see how my Blogger Widget does...

Counting down the days for my vacation to begin!

I will be able to dive back into the block when I get back. My next big post will be the part two of my credit series. (Just to get your drooling started)  :)

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Assemblies of God Mega Churches

Here is a link to wet your whislte for a few days...

Richard Alan Tatum's site, BlogRodent, is a great site; but this particular link 
lists the 100 largest Assemblies of God churches in the US. (Mine is currently #85). 
The best part is he has links for all of them and their blogs (if they have one). 
Browse around there for a few days, then check back here. I will have some new stuff by then.

